Coaching - Motivating Employees

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iDENTITY iNTELLIGENCE® Professional Coaching

Motivating Employees

Employee motivation has never been more challenging. Leadership theorists say we are in the "complexity era" and they are right! Our high tech knowledge oriented economy (where information overload is the norm) wears on all of us. And beyond all the stimulus and competing messages, we now have 5 distinct generations working together (vets, boomers, Xers, NEXTers, etc) and with the exponential increase of stimulus, knowledge, and change -- the distinctiveness of each generation is exponentially increasing as well.

But being able to motivate an employee is key for the business bottom-line. Luckily, despite the change, complexity, and chaos... there are norms that underlie and gird all of humanity. And beyond these mega-them motivational tactics and strategies - with a little coaching - you'll find that understanding and flexing to meet the needs of different employees is really not that difficult.


We have worked with thousands of people around the world helping them to break through ceilings and reach their potential. We have worked with for-profits and non-profits and have extensive experience and success with life-coaching, leadership-coaching, executive-coaching, and management-coaching.

We have tremendous experience in coaching individuals and teams in the areas of leadership and management. In fact, we create corporate "Leadership Universities’ and "Coaching Universities" in companies and take small groups of managers and leaders through customized 2-year programs. We create our own coaching and leadership tools and curriculum. We can help you.


We have coaching, training, and courses that are not listed neither on the website nor in our catalog. Please contact us at

About Leadership Coaching

All of the leadership coaching packages include the following:
- One or Two engagements depending on client’s needs
- Two hours of coaching (via phone or video)
- Robust tools & curriculum
- Recommended Resources

This coaching does not include assessments (e.g. Myers-Briggs, WorkPlace Big 5 Profile, Thomas-Kilman Conflict, xSAIL Transformation, DiSC, 360’s, etc). We do however have these and many other assessments available for purchase.

For other types of coaching (e.g. Life-Coaching, Career-Coaching, Stress-Coaching, etc) please refer to our “Adults” Tab on the site’s menu.